Sunday, January 12, 2014

First Day on Paleo

Today I began my 30 days of paleo!  I am so excited and quite impatient wanting to know my end results already.  I both weighed and took "before" pictures of myself today so that I may compare them in 30 days.  I'm sure this first week or two is going to be the hardest of them all...especially with my horrendous sweet tooth.  Luckily for me there are certain types of dark chocolates and treats that are still paleo friendly that I can resort to if needed.  Hopefully I can wean myself off though and get away from craving chocolate and cookies all the time:). 

It's always fun to grocery shop for new meal plans and to get organized again.  Here's my groceries for the week:

Today, also being my first day of the week consisted of a good amount of cooking and meal prep.  Now that I have made my casseroles and roasted my turkey things should go much smoother throughout the week.  All of my meals were quite yummy and I was very proud of myself.  The first days of something new are the hardest and usually when I fail but I stuck with it today...even resisted some brownies at church and some rice krispy treats my family made.  We just need to take it one day at a time and see each day with a bunch of mini successes and soon that day will be over and you can cross it off as a whole successful day!  Soon those days will turn into successful weeks, then months!!  Stick to it fit fam!  We can do it and are here to support one another:)!

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