Monday, January 13, 2014

Day Two Paleo

Today was successful as far as staying paleo goes.  I had my breakfast casserole, got my morning workout in (back and biceps today, checkout my workouts page), and ran a few errands.  One of my errands consisted of heading over to central market to pick up some ingredients for some paleo chocolate chip cookies!

Yes, that's right, COOKIES.  As I have told you before I have a big sweet tooth.  Not so much for candy but baked goods....those are my weakness, especially cookies.  Luckily for me I came across a delicious chocolate chip cookie recipe which I will post on my recipes page.  I also purchased some raw dark chocolate which tastes amazing as well!  Now, while all these sweets are in fact paleo, they are still sweets.  I believe that all things in moderation is a crucial element in life and cutting out sweets completely would probably put me into depression (okay, maybe that's an exaggeration but you get my point;).  The important thing to remember here however is to actually eat them in MODERATION.  I decided that I will allow myself a package of 6 chocolates, and one batch (about 8 cookies) a week.  This way I can have a little each night or during the day when a craving hits.  I could eat them all in one day...but then I wont have any the rest of the week.  Self control people!

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