Thursday, January 16, 2014

Day 4 and 5

Sorry I didn't update yesterday...I used to live about 2 hours away in San Antonio and worked at a very fun country dance hall as a beerwell/bartender.  Anyway, my old boss asked me if I wanted to work last night and so I packed up and headed down there.  I had planned to pack some paleo friendly snacks to take with me but of course in the rush I forgot!  Luckily I had a nice steak and some Brussels sprouts right before I left which tied be over for the most part.  It was a fun night but I did cheat a little bit and had a red bull.  It was one of those ox is in the mire situations since I wouldn't be getting off work till almost 4am and then had a two hour drive ahead of me.  Since I rarely drink caffeine anyway, it usually hits me pretty hard and so I drank one to keep me alert for my drive home.

My first week is almost complete and I have been feeling pretty good surprisingly.  I thought I would be a bit sluggish the first week due to the low carb shock and transition.  My body actually feels great and my energy levels (beside this last night of little sleep) have been normal if not higher.  I've been a bit generous with myself on fruit and while fruit is okay in the paleo world, it should be a smaller portion of my overall consumption.  One of the main purposes of paleo is to reduce sugar (carbohydrate) intake, both processed and natural, and fruit tends to be high in natural sugars.  Problem is I love fruit.  I have always loved fruit and so I can eat it all day long if I am not careful.  (Perhaps this is why my energy hasn't changed much).

Speaking of fruit, I believe in my last post I mentioned a quick cereal/snack I created from dehydrated fruit...I will post pictures and recipes today.  I have been making sweet potato fries and Brussels sprouts almost every day and I am still trying to perfect my recipe.  I'm pretty picky with my food I make and am a perfectionist when it comes to my own recipes.  So I wont be sharing anything less than the best with you! (It just may take a while to figure out).  The basics is olive oil or coconut oil and seasonings to your taste, but I'm working on texture and cook time and all that great stuff. 

If you're anything like me you've probably become tired of the casserole for breakfast every morning (or any of the meals everyday).  Just so you know you do not have to follow my plan exactly...its more of an outline and gives you some meals to fall back on if you don't know what to do.  Basically just try to swap out veggies for veggies, fruits for fruits, and proteins for proteins to make sure your macro nutrients are staying in the correct ranges. 

This was my breakfast today:

Happy eating y'all!!:)

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