Bikini Competitor

Back in 2013 I began my journey towards competing in my first NPC bodybuilding show in the bikini division. I spent 12+ weeks preparing for my first show in Utah and there were only 12 girls in my height class.
 Utah Oct. 2013 Pics:

I placed 6th that day and was excited to prep for another 2 weeks before the Vegas Classic which would be much larger and much more competitive.  As the day approached for my Vegas appearance I didn't feel I had made the progress that I had hoped for and I felt far behind the other competitors.  It made it even worse that I was meeting my best friend in Vegas that weekend who I hadn't seen in almost a year.  We got together and the couple days before my show, also some of the most crucial days, we went out, had fun, ate pizza, and many other things I shouldn't have.  I had decided that this would only be an experience and I would be able to see what I needed to reset my goals for and to work towards and that I wouldn't stress about this competition because "I had no chance."  As the time came for me to go on stage I had no expectations but I still did the best I could.  We lined up along the stage as we came out and waited for first call outs.  I didn't even think the judges had even glanced my way but was looking at them hoping to find someone scoping me out.  Finally, I noticed two judges turn and point an me with their pens as they whispered to each other.  My little spark of hope grew.  Eventually, it was time for the judges to make first call outs.  To my utmost surprise I was called out third of the five.  As a member in the top five of nearly 34 girls I was elated.  At this point I had achieved more than I could have hoped for this show and done so without sticking to my prep like I should have.  The judges switched us around and walked us back and forth and in the end I was awarded 5th place. 

I left that day thrilled with my results and extremely motivated by the fact that I did so well even though I had butchered my prep the week prior.  I realized that if I can find the motivation to really crack down and get back into a good routine of working out and perfecting my eating habits, my possibilities of success are endless!  One of the main reasons I decided to blog was to help myself keep motivated by motivating others.  I hope we can help each other on our journeys to better health and fitness goals.

Get motivated!  The hardest part is starting:)

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